Something new??
Haven't been blogging much recently.. Reason is because there isn't really much to write about these days.. Nothing interesting in fact.. Just the same old routine day after day.. Lectures, tutorials, labs... And the cycle repeats itself.. Been quite busy even though it is only the 3rd week of school, and time seems to pass very quickly.. Really hope to meet up with my good old buddies.. But I guess time doesn't permit it.. Guess we'll have to wait until the end of this semester...
Although I'm quite busy these days, I can't be studying all the time.. Yea.. I DO have some free time.. During my free time, I would try to write some lyrics.. At this point of time, most of the lyrics which I have tried writing are still considered set of words.. Reason is because I didn't come up with a melody for the words.. So they are still considered words instead of lyrics.. Only when there is a melody to these words that they become lyrics.. But I guess I wouldn't try to come up with a melody for these words.. Somehow, I feel that my melodies are not really up to standard.. Therefore, I don't really feel like coming up with the melody at this point of time.. Perhaps next time when I'm more confident of my melodies.. At this point of time, I guess I'll try to find someone who can help me come up with a melody for my lyrics..
Back to the title of today's post.. Yea.. I'm trying out somthing new for my lyrics.. I'm going to try something which I have never tried before.. In the past, I've always tried to write lyrics revolving around the topic of love.. Cause I believe love songs are great channels for releasing my feelings.. In addition, I feel that I'm more confident singing ballads.. But for now, I'm thinking of trying something new.. I'm thinking of writing lyrics for a Rock song.. Yea.. Something which I have not tried before.. In addition, I'm going to come up with something different for my lyrics.. I'm not going to base my song on the topic of love; I'm going to base it on the life of a vampire.. Sounds strange, right?? Well, instead of writing about relationships, I'm going to write about the life of a vampire, and also, I'm also going to try and justify the actions of a vampire.. I'm going to write this song from the vampire's point of view.. Well, I guess this is my style.. Unconventional... I just like to be different.. I guess I'm influenced by the music which I have been listening to these days.. I've been listening to quite a lot of Rock these days, in particular, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Hyde himself and Cherry Boom ( Cherry Boom is an all-girl Rock band).. After listening to their music, I guess I'm inspired to write something different.. And this is my idea of something different.. I chose the theme of vampires because I saw the movie "Moonchild" on TV some time ago.. Hyde acted in the movie as a vampire.. And I could feel the dilemmas he felt in the movie.. Hence, I decided to write a song on vampires..
Of course, I'm still in the initial stages of writing this song.. Not even sure if it would turn out well.. But I'm going to give it a try nevertheless.. Cause I feel like writing something different.. Hopefully I will be able to come up with the song.. Wish me luck...
Although I'm quite busy these days, I can't be studying all the time.. Yea.. I DO have some free time.. During my free time, I would try to write some lyrics.. At this point of time, most of the lyrics which I have tried writing are still considered set of words.. Reason is because I didn't come up with a melody for the words.. So they are still considered words instead of lyrics.. Only when there is a melody to these words that they become lyrics.. But I guess I wouldn't try to come up with a melody for these words.. Somehow, I feel that my melodies are not really up to standard.. Therefore, I don't really feel like coming up with the melody at this point of time.. Perhaps next time when I'm more confident of my melodies.. At this point of time, I guess I'll try to find someone who can help me come up with a melody for my lyrics..
Back to the title of today's post.. Yea.. I'm trying out somthing new for my lyrics.. I'm going to try something which I have never tried before.. In the past, I've always tried to write lyrics revolving around the topic of love.. Cause I believe love songs are great channels for releasing my feelings.. In addition, I feel that I'm more confident singing ballads.. But for now, I'm thinking of trying something new.. I'm thinking of writing lyrics for a Rock song.. Yea.. Something which I have not tried before.. In addition, I'm going to come up with something different for my lyrics.. I'm not going to base my song on the topic of love; I'm going to base it on the life of a vampire.. Sounds strange, right?? Well, instead of writing about relationships, I'm going to write about the life of a vampire, and also, I'm also going to try and justify the actions of a vampire.. I'm going to write this song from the vampire's point of view.. Well, I guess this is my style.. Unconventional... I just like to be different.. I guess I'm influenced by the music which I have been listening to these days.. I've been listening to quite a lot of Rock these days, in particular, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Hyde himself and Cherry Boom ( Cherry Boom is an all-girl Rock band).. After listening to their music, I guess I'm inspired to write something different.. And this is my idea of something different.. I chose the theme of vampires because I saw the movie "Moonchild" on TV some time ago.. Hyde acted in the movie as a vampire.. And I could feel the dilemmas he felt in the movie.. Hence, I decided to write a song on vampires..
Of course, I'm still in the initial stages of writing this song.. Not even sure if it would turn out well.. But I'm going to give it a try nevertheless.. Cause I feel like writing something different.. Hopefully I will be able to come up with the song.. Wish me luck...